Monday, April 2, 2007

Back Home

We finished our time in Jeffrey's Bay with a wonderful walk along the beach and time of reflection and "talking with God". As we stood as a group on the shore we shared together some of the lessons that we had learned, and how God had impressed different things on our hearts.

I think that it's pretty much impossible to spend time focussed on serving others without being touched yourself. We really are wonderfully blessed to live in Canada. Yet, there is a richness in the people we met that isn't born in security, or prosperity, but rather in a walk with God, a closeness of family, and a culture of respect.

On Friday morning we left our hotel in J-Bay said our good-byes to Dean and his wife, and began our 45 hour trek home to Canada. We were fortunate to have the opportunity to visit Hong Kong for a few hours between flights. (Another major cultural change.)

What a wonderful greeting awaited our African garbed team in Kelowna as we entered the arrivals area. Africa was a wonderful experience, but like they say...There's no place like home!!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Welcome home! It's been wonderful to follow your journey on your blog.

Now take what you have all learned and experienced in Africa to be missionaries in your own communities and share Jesus' love with all those you meet!