Monday, April 16, 2007

only 10 days left!

Time sure flies when your having fun in Africa! It's amazing how many things i have experiaced in the past 5-6 weeks.. it seams like i should have spent a lifetime doing what i have done. I know while we were leaving Zambia after the first 2ish weeks were up many of us were saying we would go home happy with the amount we have seen and done and know we "got our money worth" to be cliche (...even tho that cliche doesnt fit to well becuase you cannot put a price to our expriences) but no, there was still much much longer before we were to leave.
These past few weeks i've come to truly love this country and all the people who are welcoming me so nicely. And im so happy to say that I definatly have a second family here in South Africa. But theres something so nice about being with blood reletives after being away from home for so long. And this Sunday i was able to spend the entire day with my Uncle and Auntie who are missionaires down here in a neighboring city to Jonhhanesburg called Pretoria. They took me to the city center, union buildings shopping centers and of corse i got to see their new home for the very first (and hopefully not last) time!
I put some pictures on of the city center in Pretoria, my auntie uncle and i infort of the union building and one of a class at the school we are attending here in SA called The King's School West Rand. The class in called Life Orientaion which would be equivelent to our Christian Perspectives class. Yes, we have stickers on our faces and yes, we are sitting in BEAN BAG CHAIRS... if anyone talks to Mr.Hinz you can tell him i have a few ideas for class when we return... it might have something to do with our seating arrangements....
Thank you so much for your continual prayers, thats one thing i've defiantly learnt on this trip is how important it is to lean on Christ through the Bible and prayer.
miss you so much and see you in a few days! Elysia


Anonymous said...

That sounds so fun!! I think I'd like to have a class where all my students put stickers on their faces.... hmmmm.....I'll have to think of how to introduce that ;D What a blessing to get to spend a day with family. Thanks for including the pictures - it's great to see you!

Anonymous said...

It's so cool to hear of your continued adventures and the ways that God keeps working in your life. It will be great to have you back home and to hear some of your stories.