well.. its about 2 hours before we are checking our bags at the Jo-burg airport! we said all our goodbyes yesterday (that was hard) and now we're ready to be home.. we miss you all ... see you after a few 14 hour plane rides!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
beautiful people of SA
Hello everyone! This going home thing is really bitter sweet. I'm speaking for the other two when i say that we all miss everyone and cannot wait to be back in our own beds (and have our luggae cleaned from Maamba's sent) but at the same time its really depressing saying bye to these people who ive spent the last month of my life with, knowing that i will very likly never see any of them again.
One thing i really like about going anywhere here is how many hugs you get in one day! i love it .. you cant go to church, school, relatives house without being sqeezed and kiss kissed a million times.. so sorry if im a little extra huggy when i get home...
What else can i say?.. OH for anyone keeping score.. i think wells has hit his record high this week! he lost his wallet... twice. the reson for the second loss is hillarious. He was at a high school event with a friend he met when he wasnt feeling too well. so he went to the washroom and thinking he might vomit, took his wallet out of his front pocket and placed it behind the toilet. then... he forgot it there. why he took it out of his pocket in the first place? no one knows... even when wells himself explained the story to us he couldn't give us a clear reason why he did it. what can you say. its wells... you gottta love him
Wells and Elyse have headed off with their families to Cape Town. People say its much like vancouver. they should have some cool stories when they get back on monday.
well, i miss you all and cant wait to see you!
p.s. Zack, my little brother here, thought of the title
One thing i really like about going anywhere here is how many hugs you get in one day! i love it .. you cant go to church, school, relatives house without being sqeezed and kiss kissed a million times.. so sorry if im a little extra huggy when i get home...
What else can i say?.. OH for anyone keeping score.. i think wells has hit his record high this week! he lost his wallet... twice. the reson for the second loss is hillarious. He was at a high school event with a friend he met when he wasnt feeling too well. so he went to the washroom and thinking he might vomit, took his wallet out of his front pocket and placed it behind the toilet. then... he forgot it there. why he took it out of his pocket in the first place? no one knows... even when wells himself explained the story to us he couldn't give us a clear reason why he did it. what can you say. its wells... you gottta love him
Wells and Elyse have headed off with their families to Cape Town. People say its much like vancouver. they should have some cool stories when they get back on monday.
well, i miss you all and cant wait to see you!
p.s. Zack, my little brother here, thought of the title
Monday, April 16, 2007
only 10 days left!

Time sure flies when your having fun in Africa! It's amazing how many things i have experiaced in the past 5-6 weeks.. it seams like i should have spent a lifetime doing what i have done. I know while we were leaving Zambia after the first 2ish weeks were up many of us were saying we would go home happy with the amount we have seen and done and know we "got our money worth" to be cliche (...even tho that cliche doesnt fit to well becuase you cannot put a price to our expriences) but no, there was still much much longer before we were to leave.

I put some pictures on of the city center in Pretoria, my auntie uncle and i infort of the union building and one of a class at the school we are attending here in SA called The King's School West Rand. The class in called Life Orientaion which would be equivelent to our Christian Perspectives class. Yes, we have stickers on our faces and yes, we are sitting in BEAN BAG CHAIRS... if anyone talks to Mr.Hinz you can tell him i have a few ideas for class when we return... it might have something to do with our seating arrangements....

Thank you so much for your continual prayers, thats one thing i've defiantly learnt on this trip is how important it is to lean on Christ through the Bible and prayer.
miss you so much and see you in a few days! Elysia
Saturday, April 14, 2007
a true African experience..
Hello Everyone,
We have finally had an "african experience" as so many people have put it. We would tell you what it is but we all agreed that it would be a much better story if we told it in person. So when we get back be sure to ask us about it..because we could never express how it really went, just on computer. I know some of you are thinking skydiving but dont worry parents, if thats what it was you would have known about it.
Please continue to pray, we really appreciate it!!!
-Elyse,Elysia and Wells
We have finally had an "african experience" as so many people have put it. We would tell you what it is but we all agreed that it would be a much better story if we told it in person. So when we get back be sure to ask us about it..because we could never express how it really went, just on computer. I know some of you are thinking skydiving but dont worry parents, if thats what it was you would have known about it.
Please continue to pray, we really appreciate it!!!
-Elyse,Elysia and Wells
Thursday, April 12, 2007
love from the E.B's & a spring of water
hello everyone! we miss you more than ever, but sorry we aren't ready too come home yet. After missions trips you always find people saying how much their relationship with Christ has grown, which ours definatly has, but we never thought about our friendships would grow as much as they have. we have made new frined here in south africa, grown closer to everyone that was on the team but most of all... we are shocked by the friendship us three have. none of us would have thought that in a million years we would be as close of friends with each other as we are now. ...well atleast us girls think we are all close... the boy aka Wells says "being friends with two girls is like slavery. they abuse you and mock you and expect you to still love them" but deep down he really does love us.
so i guess our closing thoughts for the day would be ....'dont overlook anyone, becuse you never know who you'll be stuck with half way across the world'
MISS YOU love Elysia Elyse & Wells
so i guess our closing thoughts for the day would be ....'dont overlook anyone, becuse you never know who you'll be stuck with half way across the world'
MISS YOU love Elysia Elyse & Wells
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
a thought or two from wells
hey everybody its wells tonight thanx for reading if u are. Africa was an eyeopening experience i know it may sound cliche but all of us that went know how it is. its impossible to describe completely, to transfer the full emotion to one another. something like that has to be experienced, and im glad Gos gave me the opportunity to do so. I guess ill start in muka. the first day/night we arrived in mukka i was amazed by the emptyness that was there. not the town but the feeling of ambience and a spiritual emptiness. o dont know how everyone else felt but that is what i felt. we got to stay in some cool little grasse huts. but they were built well the walls were made of cement.we painted a clinic down there and it was great to see the final result and how joyful the people were there. in maamba it was a little different. even though the conditions wernt the best sometimes everyone was able to get along and things went relativly great. excluding me losing have my luggage. im sure youve all heard about my misshaps by now. like leaving my passport on a plane and running back thru the runway in bear feet to get it back. woops. in maamba i was so entirely overcome with a sense of spiritual conflict. i could feel the devil wrestling to take my mind but God protected us. He gave us great people like Graydon \bishop, Michelle the most spirit filled woman ive ever met, and Pastor Roy, and of course the bishops and the h's.
Anyway im not going to tell all my stories ill wait to get back, even though ive been blabbing for like 30min. the exchange is great its an extra opportunity to reveal God to others. it may be a dangerouse place, but God is more dangerous than anything, and im glad im on his side. the host families r great and the girls and i may get the opportunity to go skydiving, dont worry parents if our strings snap i know how to fly, its all good. just teasing. if u dont want us going u can email us. the girls and i are bonding well, dont worry bishops and beurnicks, if thats how u spell it, im taking care of your girls fine. i took a couple bullets to the chest but just a little scratch, hee hee, mabye it wasnt quite that bad. anyway i should scram. thanx to all of those who put up with my blabbing i know it was long.
Anyway im not going to tell all my stories ill wait to get back, even though ive been blabbing for like 30min. the exchange is great its an extra opportunity to reveal God to others. it may be a dangerouse place, but God is more dangerous than anything, and im glad im on his side. the host families r great and the girls and i may get the opportunity to go skydiving, dont worry parents if our strings snap i know how to fly, its all good. just teasing. if u dont want us going u can email us. the girls and i are bonding well, dont worry bishops and beurnicks, if thats how u spell it, im taking care of your girls fine. i took a couple bullets to the chest but just a little scratch, hee hee, mabye it wasnt quite that bad. anyway i should scram. thanx to all of those who put up with my blabbing i know it was long.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Looking back
Wow where can i start. The missions trip was such an awsome experience and it really was eye opening. I was reallly able to understand more when people mean when they say they are rich in Christ. The people here are such good examples of that. Even some of the team members found ourselves up dancing with the ladies in front of the whole church,sommething you would rarely see in Canada. I've found that since i was at that church with worship like that, its almost like i am craving it now. The people is Zambia really had nothing but since they have God in their hearts, thats all they need. I really believe that the people in Africa have touched and blessed us just as much as we did with their orphanage.
The exchange, i thought, was just going to be a hoiday, but i have learned that this is just and extension of the missions trip. It was so neat, yesterday, when we were handing out easter eggs to kids with aids in the hospital, to see how much it meant to them. They were so thankful. It was a great experience for not only me but Elysia and Wells also. Please continue to pray and ask that we will have more opportunities like that to help others.
Miss you all
Love Elyse
The exchange, i thought, was just going to be a hoiday, but i have learned that this is just and extension of the missions trip. It was so neat, yesterday, when we were handing out easter eggs to kids with aids in the hospital, to see how much it meant to them. They were so thankful. It was a great experience for not only me but Elysia and Wells also. Please continue to pray and ask that we will have more opportunities like that to help others.
Miss you all
Love Elyse
Friday, April 6, 2007
left behind......
last weekend Wells, Elyse and myself all found oursleves sitting in our own, south african bedrooms wondering .. "where'd everybody go?" For thouse of you who don't know, we three have been given the oppurtuniy to stay an additonal 3 weeks in south africa. and to the team... ITS NOT THE SAME WITHOUT YOU HERE! but as much as we miss everyone we are loving it.
all of our adopted families have been taking great care of us and we are really enjoying going to school here... especialy the class that has bean bag charis as seats! Living in South Africa this past week has definatly been eye opening. people here dont have the luxurie of taking strolls down the street here ... when Elyse asked her host sister if she could eat her dinner outside in her back yard her answer was "Elyse, we are in Africa.. you cant do things like that when my mothers not home" we have also been noticing how difficult it is for people to be a Christian here. we were talking with one lady and she seamed to be exausted just explaing to us the difficulty of having non-christian friends who dont 'get it'. we have it so easy in Canada.
yesterday we had the oppurtunity to go to a hospital here in Jo-burg where they deal with mainly HIV children and their mommies. we were easter bunnies for the day, every child had a baggy in their hand full of goodies when the day was through. was that an experiance tho. it was hard to see some of these kids and to hear them cry. its one of thouse things that words cannot describe.
By the end of the missions trip with the group i was realy feeling like God was telling me that mine elsyes and wells missions trip wasnt over. we still have 3 weeks of missions work here in Jo-Burg just going about our day to day buisness with the love of the Holy Sprirt pouring out of us. and hopefully we will have more oppurtuinites like we had yesterday to help the communitie in anyway we can.
all thre of us will be leaving posts along the course of our stay here... so if your intersted...keep checking up
Missing you all greatly! ~Elysia
all of our adopted families have been taking great care of us and we are really enjoying going to school here... especialy the class that has bean bag charis as seats! Living in South Africa this past week has definatly been eye opening. people here dont have the luxurie of taking strolls down the street here ... when Elyse asked her host sister if she could eat her dinner outside in her back yard her answer was "Elyse, we are in Africa.. you cant do things like that when my mothers not home" we have also been noticing how difficult it is for people to be a Christian here. we were talking with one lady and she seamed to be exausted just explaing to us the difficulty of having non-christian friends who dont 'get it'. we have it so easy in Canada.
yesterday we had the oppurtunity to go to a hospital here in Jo-burg where they deal with mainly HIV children and their mommies. we were easter bunnies for the day, every child had a baggy in their hand full of goodies when the day was through. was that an experiance tho. it was hard to see some of these kids and to hear them cry. its one of thouse things that words cannot describe.
By the end of the missions trip with the group i was realy feeling like God was telling me that mine elsyes and wells missions trip wasnt over. we still have 3 weeks of missions work here in Jo-Burg just going about our day to day buisness with the love of the Holy Sprirt pouring out of us. and hopefully we will have more oppurtuinites like we had yesterday to help the communitie in anyway we can.
all thre of us will be leaving posts along the course of our stay here... so if your intersted...keep checking up
Missing you all greatly! ~Elysia
Monday, April 2, 2007
Back Home
We finished our time in Jeffrey's Bay with a wonderful walk along the beach and time of reflection and "talking with God". As we stood as a group on the shore we shared together some of the lessons that we had learned, and how God had impressed different things on our hearts.
I think that it's pretty much impossible to spend time focussed on serving others without being touched yourself. We really are wonderfully blessed to live in Canada. Yet, there is a richness in the people we met that isn't born in security, or prosperity, but rather in a walk with God, a closeness of family, and a culture of respect.
On Friday morning we left our hotel in J-Bay said our good-byes to Dean and his wife, and began our 45 hour trek home to Canada. We were fortunate to have the opportunity to visit Hong Kong for a few hours between flights. (Another major cultural change.)
What a wonderful greeting awaited our African garbed team in Kelowna as we entered the arrivals area. Africa was a wonderful experience, but like they say...There's no place like home!!
I think that it's pretty much impossible to spend time focussed on serving others without being touched yourself. We really are wonderfully blessed to live in Canada. Yet, there is a richness in the people we met that isn't born in security, or prosperity, but rather in a walk with God, a closeness of family, and a culture of respect.
On Friday morning we left our hotel in J-Bay said our good-byes to Dean and his wife, and began our 45 hour trek home to Canada. We were fortunate to have the opportunity to visit Hong Kong for a few hours between flights. (Another major cultural change.)
What a wonderful greeting awaited our African garbed team in Kelowna as we entered the arrivals area. Africa was a wonderful experience, but like they say...There's no place like home!!
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